Stock Photography
Stock photos are previously crafted images filed away in inventory that are available for most photo applications for a rental fee. If the required photos are not ready to go and available in my inventory for your project, I can also be hired to create the photos. Depending on the situation and in most cases the photographer retains the rights and ownership of all crafted photos and
is the only person with the legal right to market and remarket the photos.

Common usages for stock photos are for web site content, annual reports,
agendas, calendars, article fillers, book covers, business cards, brochures, home or office decorating, etc.

Rates are based on project type, circulation numbers or viewership scope and frequency of use. There may be room for negotiating a fair usage rate.

I always look forward to discussing upcoming or in progress clients business/photo projects and would be eager to assist you with your photo
requirements. Stock photos also make
a unique gift concept especially for
decorating a home or office.
Phone 604-760-0300   email
Rossi Photography
Satisfaction Guaranteed!